The Whole Rabbit

The Art of War by Sun Tzu, Part 1

Luke Madrid / Mari Sama / Malachor 5 / Heka Astra Season 26 Episode 7

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In this week’s episode we discuss a spiritual text which helped bring peace to centuries of non-stop conflict only centuries later to introduce the wider world to its first taste of Taoist philosophy and make corporate ladder climbers even more insufferable than they were before; The Art of War by Sun Tzu. In this first half of the episode we unveil the historical mystery of the text’s author Sun Tzu; was he man or myth? Before wrapping up we begin discussing the first few chapters of The Art of War, how some of these strategies were used in real life wars and what has to do with the five elements. In the extended show we take a further look at The Art of War’s relationship to Taoism before exploring how a number of Sun Tzu’s tips can be used, what it has to do with Game Theory and some colorful examples of how Sun Tzu’s methods were used in combat during Vietnam and World War 2. Thank you and enjoy the show! 

In this week’s episode we cover:
The History of Sun Tzu
War in the Spring and Autumn Period
The Battle of Changping
Taoism in The Art of War and the Five Elements
The Path To Victory

In this extended show available at we go further down the rabbit hole and discuss:
WTF is Game Theory?
Waging War
The Principle of Wu Wei
Expenses and Cost
Attack by Strategem!
MindWar and Psyops?
The Rules of Engagement
The Battle of Fei River
Know Thyself

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The Art of War, Sun Tzu

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